Saturday, January 30, 2021

"AKASHIC RECORDS: Dancing in the Akashic Field"


“Beyond Illusion Project”


“AKASHIC RECORDS: Dancing in the Akashic Field”


 The Program

The Akashic Records are a spiritual library full of information about the world and everything in it – every person and event, past and present. Accessing the Records can help you to heal the past, get through present life challenges, release blocks and answer questions about your future. 

What is it you wish you could do? What are your blocks? What are the things that you think are you than can’t be changed? In the Akash, there is also you, many of them. Why don’t you go there and replace the current you with the former you? That’s a quantum Human Being, and it goes way beyond what you were told past life energies were for.

The Akashic Records are appealing to those who are seeking achievement, healing, and personal growth. As well as to those who long to be inspired.

There is so much power and potential waiting in the records. When you learn how to explore this valuable source of energy and information, you will be able to know:


·         What the Akashic Records contain and how to access them


·         How to travel the eternal timeline to investigate the past, present and potential future


·         How past lives are influencing you today and what you can do to rewrite those records


·         How you can use the Akashic Records to find your purpose, expand your talents and find greater success and joy in this life


·         How to program future events within the records of this life and in lifetimes to come


All of these activities and many more will not only help you to understand the meaning of your life, but they can also help to change both your energy and your future.


(The workshop consists of 34 sessions)



Meeting 1: Introduction

     The Akashic Records are a vibrating storehouse of information and energy, an ever-present resonance that expands in our lives and in the Universe itself. They are in the smallest particle and the greatest field. They are the particle, the wave, the consciousness, the energy, and the information of eternity. Embodying all the mysteries of life - your life, my life, the entirety of life from before life began, as we know it – the records will go on long after the world that we know disappears.

     There is a longing that each of us has to change our difficult circumstances, to understand how and why things happen as they do, and to heal and empower ourselves in ways that will make our lives better and far happier. The information in the Akashic Records can help us to achieve all of these things, which is why the interest in this process is expanding so significantly.


Part I. What Are the Akashic Records?

Meeting 2. Welcome to the Records (A)

     Interest in the Akashic Records has grown immensely in recent decades, especially for those who are seeking achievement, healing, and personal growth. In addition, the records are vastly appealing to those who long to be inspired. Whether it’s for artistic or poetic expression or medical or scientific discovery, the Akashic Records can bring power, energy, and valuable information to anyone who desires to connect with this dynamic force.

     The Akashic Records date back to the Old Testament and early Buddhist writings but were written about extensively in the 19th century by Rudolph Steiner, H.P. Blavatsky, and Edgar Cayce.

     Three important truths revealed by the records are that they exist all around us, we can see and be taught by them, and we are recording information all the time.


Meeting 3. Welcome to the Records (B)

     There are many things you can do to prepare yourself to access the Akashic Records. Practices that can help you to tune in to the Akashic Records are meditation, deep breathing, and affirmations. Record guidance increases when you keep an open mind and focus on living out of your heart rather than the mind.

     The Akashic Forces are the valiant energies of the soul, and they vibrate through time, energy and space throughout all the ages – past, present, and future – sending love, courage, wisdom, integrity, grace, compassion, industry, creativity, and so much more. The records of each soul hold the memory and truth of these wonderful powers deep within the heart, the center of the soul.

Exercise: Heart-centered meditation

This exercise can help you to quiet your mind and open your heart center, making you much more receptive to the information and power held in the etheric realm, the vibrating consciousness of the Akashic Field.


Meeting 4. Energy and Information: Eternity Vibrating (A)

     It is well known how DNA can reveal amazing amounts of information about an individual. It is the Personal Record of one’s physiology, representing each individual’s biological nature. Yet there is a storehouse of information that transcends even that staggering data of our DNA. It’s about our history, our psyche, our energy, and even about our potential future. For each individual, each group, each culture and country, for the globe itself and far beyond, every bit of essence and experience is recorded in the Akashic Records, which, like our DNA can first be found by searching within.

     The Akashic Records exist in time, space, consciousness and energy, and can reveal your past and potential future lives: where you’ve been, where you are now, and where you’re going. Each soul has its own path to follow, its own lessons from the past, and its own unique goals for the future.

     Karma is the ongoing energy of your accumulated choices, conclusions, and emotions, all of which become a part of your Personal Records.

     The Akashic Records are vibrating histories, truths, and future potentials held in even the smallest places and timeless spaces. Every little thing in the Universe, every vibration and particle holds the records in their entirety. It’s holographic in nature, and it’s liberating to realize that this important information is eminently accessible, always resonating within you, waiting to be tapped.


Meeting 5: Energy and Information: Eternity Vibrating (B)

     We share records with others, including those in our relationships, families, communities, cultures, religions, and countries.

     We have the power to clear negative, unhealthy, or unloving energy from both our personal and shared records.

Exercise: Clearing the records of time and space


Meeting 6. The Records – Now and Always (A)

     You are an eternal being and your Personal Records hold the details of every experience in every life you’ve ever lived. The time of your life is now and always. Instead of ending, your spirit transforms returning lifetime after lifetime. Reincarnation answers many questions, such as why we feel connections to some people and why some patterns are harder to break than others.

     We return to Earth to gain new experiences that can help us learn and bring greater enlightenment to ourselves and to the world.

     Investigating our past records can help us release negative influences and attract positive ones.

     The future exists in pure potential. Our soul creates lessons for us, but our major life events are not scripted in advance, and they can be changed.


Meeting 7. The Records – Now and Always (B)

     Τhere are many ways to tap into the incredible force of the records. The revelations usually happen when you are relaxed, open, and receptive. This is usually a function of being in the alpha level of brain frequency, which is the most receptive and creative state of mind. Ways to open the record doors include meditation, spirit messages, Akashic readings, spontaneous inspiration, intuition, and dreams.

Exercise: Your sacred temple meditation

Through this guided visualization, you are transported to your own Sacred Temple, a magical place where you can connect to the Akashic Records and access all the information you will ever need. You can also reach out to the spirit world, the angelic realm, your guides and masters, family, friends, and even your won higher self.


Part III. All About You

Meeting 8. Connecting the Present with the Past (A)

     Present-life investigation is a great way to get the process of record revelation going for two reasons: it helps to open the portal to the Akashic Field, and it helps to raise your awareness of the specific issues you’d like to work on in your record investigation.

     Personal preferences, your profession and talents, patterns of behaviors, and relationships are all potential indicators of past-life experiences.

     Predominant emotional and cognitive patterns, such as fear and self-judgment, are strong indicators of present-life lessons brought forward from the past.

Exercise 1: Location investigation

By answering some questions you get some clues about your possible past locations.

Exercise 2: Interest and activity

By answering some questions you open some past-life doors.

Exercise 3. Investigating problem patterns

You answer some questions to see what impressions you get about your present patterns and their potential connections to your Personal Past-life Records.


Meeting 9. Connecting the Present with the Past (B)

     It’s not uncommon for couples, families, and other groups of people to choose to come back to this earthly experience together. Not only do we want to repeat our loving relationships, we also want to work out the difficult issues that we’ve experienced with some of the people from our past. For this reason our relationship records hold some of the most important information regarding the evolution of our soul.

     Your records are not just about your past. Every single moment you are recording energy and intention in the Book of your Eternal Life. It is your soul’s desire to change the records that don’t honor you and to shift the vibrations that inhibit your genuine happiness. You can work on changing the negative records of the past, but your movement to a higher level of enlightenment requires you also to bring your consciousness to your ongoing Akashic Record-writing process. Present clues reveal Present Records, and you can bring your power of intention to the changes you want to make now.


Exercise: Relationship investigation

You answer some question concerning your relationships.


Meeting 10. Records of the Past Revealed (A)

     Your present lifetime is influenced by your Eternal Records. Life after life your karma is recorded, revealing patterns in your energy, thoughts, and treatment of yourself and others.

     Karma is not punishment but the soul’s process of learning, evolving, sharing, and growing.

     There are three types of influences that are likely to require rewriting in your own Akashic Records: a) Highly emotionally charged events. The more highly emotionally charged an experience, the more influence it can exert on your thoughts, behaviors, feelings, finances, career, and relationships. B) Health issues and physical traumas, and c) Relationship patterns. Patterns of relationship from the past may be a powerful force in your present. Repeated emotional patterns that may be uncomfortable for you, you may want to change.


Meeting 11. Records of the Past Revealed (B)

     Each and every lifetime brings a plethora of experiences that become the gateways to our emotional growth and self-mastery. Through this energetic process, every soul evolves – and brings specific purposes directed toward that evolution. The experiences that we learn from give us a road map, our soul’s map, guiding us forward in our lives.

     One of the reasons your soul chooses to incarnate is purely out of the desire to experience all the glories life has to offer. Through the perception of the soul, our difficulties become opportunities, pathways to deep understanding and greater connection with our eternal identity. These opportunities come in the form of three major karmic causes, repetition, compensation, and retribution. These three karmic causes can actually become compelling, yet often unknown, forces in determining our destiny. And the Akashic Records will not only reveal what the specific influences are, they can also demonstrate what we need to do to change our unwanted patterns.


Meeting 12. Records of the Past Revealed (C)

     The session is an exercise titled: ‘Finding a karmic cause in your Akashic Records’.

It’s a process that takes you to your Hall of Records. You determine the Karmic cause for one issue, e.g. Relationship or problem.


Meeting 13. Changing Your Past Can Change Everything (A)

     It’s the problematic past that needs to be rewritten so we can let go of what’s negatively influencing us now. Whatever it is you’re going through, your eternal self is capable of removing the emotional blocks that are sourced in the past. Once you grasp the issues vibrating in your Personal Records, you’[re totally free to reshape the direction of your life. It isn’t necessary to reverse every episode in your past. As you work on rewriting the main event, you can heal the issue and reverse unwanted patterns – even if they cross several lifetimes. By changing those records, you can be released from the event and its influence. You can support any change by using affirmations in your present life and committing to live in the empowered energies that you choose in your newly written records of that event. 


Meeting 14. Changing Your Past Can Change Everything (B)

     In this session you are given some tips for going back and getting the most effective results from viewing past-life events.

Exercise: Viewing Past-life Records in your Sacred Temple

In this exercise you’ll be going to your Sacred Temple and your Akashic Records Screen, witnessing a past-life event that’s connected to your focused intention.


Meeting 15. Changing Your Past Can Change Everything (C)

     By rewriting the records of a past event, you can generate different vibrations, clearing old obstacles and creating new records that bring happier experiences into your present life.

Exercise: Rewriting Past-life Records in your Sacred Temple


Meeting 16. Changing Your Past Can Change Everything (D)

     Whether it concerns a past life or a present circumstance, heartfelt affirmations can move your healthier intentions forward.  The regular use of affirmations can help to release the past and set new intentions for the present and the future.

     Your choice to apply your karmic lessons to your present life not only shifts old karma, but creates wonderful records of honoring and empowerment now and in the time to come.


Part III. A Universe of Information and Opportunity

Meeting 17. The Incredible Power of the Present Moment in Record Creation (A)

     Every single moment you are pouring information and energy into your own personal Akashic Records. Your thoughts, your behaviors, your emotions at any given time are being written in the records of your life. In fact, the present is your best and only time to take action in any direction, whether it is spiritual, personal, or professional. Your Akashic Records contain all of these directions, and many more. The profound power of the present moment is always within reach, and it’s up to you to take a look at what you’re writing now.

     Your consciousness creates your records and your reality. What you tend to focus on, what you expect on a day-to-day basis, even what you tend to think about most – all of these things indicate your consciousness direction and your record creation.

     You are an energetic being, and you are constantly creating, transmitting, and receiving energy in the world. Your Personal Energy Field, a signature resonance moves outward into space and time, connecting with people and situations of similar resonance. You have the power to shift your present experience and change your records. One key to a brighter record creation is a positive perception of yourself and the world. In order to create vibrant and healing records, we must bring our consciousness to our intentions and habits every day. Every moment is important. It’s what we choose in the present that moves us relentlessly into the future.


Meeting 18. The Incredible Power of the Present Moment in Record Creation (B)

     Together with your thoughts, your emotions are the strongest components in both your record creation and the quality of your life.

     One of the highest intentions you can have is to make thought and behavioral choices that honor you. This action reaches through time to record health and happiness throughout your life.


Meeting 19. The Incredible Power of the Present Moment in Record Creation (C)

     Your spirit has a much larger and longer perspective on life. While you may tend to focus only on the tough stuff, your soul sees every piece of the experience we call life from a far different point of view. The truth is, the real special time is now, the most special moment is here. This is the moment that you have the power to choose – to choose what you think, what you feel, what you believe, what you do. It’s all within this precious, powerful moment, and even a little shift in your choices now can create dramatic changes in your Eternal Records. For in every moment, no matter what may (or may not) be going on, there is always the presence of unending adjacent possibilities.

Exercise: Writing your records every present moment

Becoming conscious of your adjacent possibilities hugely accelerates your ability to take your power back and redirect the Present and Future Records of your life. You can consciously and purposefully write the records of this moment and any moment you desire. With this exercise, you take the steps for writing the records of the present moment.


Meeting 20. The Realm of the Spirit (A)

     You have a special Truth Holder and many other guides that carry life-changing inspiration from the Akashic Records.

     You can develop meaningful relationships with countless angels and guides, and you can always turn to them for support and record information.


Meeting 21. The Realm of the Spirit (B)

     The spirit of your soul is one of the most powerful connections you can have to the Akashic Records. This eternal part of you is often called your ‘higher self’. When you make the connection with this creative consciousness, you will gain access to the great fields of inspiration and the eternal wisdom of all ages – past, present, and future.

     There are a number of practical steps that can enhance your power of intuition, including relaxing, asking, and trusting what you get.

     The creative source of the Universe is a driving force in your life and in the world, and you can call upon this power at any time.

Exercise: Steps for spirit and angel communication

The process in this exercise is designed to help you connect with the wonderful entities in spirit. It is very effective, and the more you practice it, the more you will forge ever-deepening relationships that will support you throughout your life.


Meeting 22. Wisdom of the World (A)

     Entrainment – or matching resonance – is a type of energetic synchronicity that can bring about amazing and often unexpected consequences.

     Unlimited information and boundless creativity fill every corner of the cosmos and can be triggered by the alignment of your intention and action.

     Revelations from the records can be spontaneously inspired, or purposefully sought, and sometimes the information imposes itself (perhaps with the help of spirit) through an unplanned occurrence that may seem like an accident.


Meeting 23. Wisdom of the World (B)

     Synchronicity generates its own special magic and your records are a part of an incredible tapestry of boundless information and vibrating cause and effect.

     Your higher self is a hologram that has your truth written deep within, and its wonderful vibrations and powerful qualities can be accessed any time you need them.


Meeting 24. Wisdom of the World (C)

     Τhe message is clear. Connecting with the Akashic Field is a game-changer. Dynamic vibrations of pure potential can be consciously tapped – or they can even just magically come your way. You have the power to make this a real force in your life.

     The Greatest Akashic Cause is to live in the heart of purpose and appreciation, to be ever conscious of your soul’s intentions and ever grateful for each precious moment that is your life’s expression.

Exercise: Higher-self holographic projection

Your higher self has access to all of the wisdom and all the experience you will ever need. In addition to the Akashic Records, it has access to all of the people in your life now and to all of the situations that you may experience in the future. By getting in touch with this part of you, you will be able to experience greater confidence, purpose and happiness, as well as attracting a happy and successful future. So use this time to tap into the strongest, most magnetic, and most connective part of your nature.


Part IV. The Records Never End

Meeting 25. Future Records: The Time Is Now (A)

     Future events exist in energetic potential, and you can visit them to determine what you would like to change now in order to create the most desirable outcomes later.

     You have the power to mold your future outcomes according to your own desires and higher intentions, backing them up with your present energies. It’s not just about plans or preparation, not just wishful thinking or idle hoping. It’s much more energetic – and Akashic – than that!

Exercise: Viewing future potential in the Akashic Records

Just as you can use a visit to the Record Library to view the past, you can use the same process to take a look into the records of future potentials – whether it be for yourself, for another, or regarding a more worldly or global concern. You can ask to receive the information in a dream or you can use a meditation to open the records in the way that you feel most comfortable or familiar with. Here are some simple steps that you can use in meditation.


Meeting 26. Future Records: The Time Is Now (B)

     You can use your Akashic Records Screen as a recording studio of the future for energized attraction and manifestation.

     By creating positive images of yourself and your goals, you can secure those pictures in your Future Records.

Exercise: Future-Record programming

There are many ways that you can plant the seeds of future achievement into your Personal Records files. A way is to simply open the viewing screen and allow yourself comfortably to witness the desired end results. Let yourself witness the exciting achievement of your goal. In this exercise you use your Sacred Temple or Record Library, and you can bring your guide or record angels into this experience as well. You will feel the presence of the helpful spirits, and you will deeply sense their support.


Meeting 27. Future Records: The Time Is Now (C)

     The soul’s view of Earthly life is quite different from our personal view. In terms of eternal reality, this current life, no matter how long, is brief. Yet the approach we take within each life is important in terms of our personal and eternal evolution. As difficult as any situation is, your soul knows that every event brings a valuable opportunity to learn, heal, and grow. Your soul writes your records with these purposes in mind. Big changes will begin when you start to look at things from your Soul’s Point of View.


Meeting 28. Akashic Purpose, Power, and Inspiration (A)

     You can create focused intentions for personal or professional purposes and weave them into your daily life. Whatever you would like to be inspired about, the Akashic Field is always open to you. Any statement, any invocation, any heartfelt request can open the record doors for you – even when you least expect it. Continue to take action, then relax and let go.

     Akashic inspiration can come in the areas of your personal skills and talents, lifting your abilities to new heights. There are wonderful spirits who can help to bring that information to you. Build your talent team by calling on specific spirit guides or asking for help with a specific purpose. Open your heart and trust what you receive.

Exercise 1. Invoking record assistance

Whatever guidance or inspiration you seek, whether it’s about a work project, a scientific endeavor, a piece of creative expression, or a resolution to some personal or professional problem, you can receive dramatic guidance. This exercise is about little invocations that will help to open those record doors for you.

Exercise 2. Inspiration from the legends of the ages

Think of all the legends through the ages that have inspired you – the great scientists, artists, poets, philosophers, politicians, and leaders. Many people in ancient and recent times have sent their energy to your heart, your mind, and your life. You can either call someone by name, or you can think of the pursuit you’d like to receive information about and be open to whomever comes to you.


Meeting 29. Akashic Purpose, Power, and Inspiration (B)

     At their core, your Akashic Records are a map of your soul’s path through eternity. Your soul has a purpose for coming to this Earthly experience. In fact, there could be a number of purposes your deeper intentions are guiding you to, including spiritual and personal purposes – and your purpose in the world.

Exercise: Your Book of Purpose

This exercise is a process that takes you to your Book of Purpose in your Hall of Records. You may ask what is your spiritual, personal, or relationship purpose. Or you could just open it up and read the insights there. Open up to receiving guidance on what your purpose is and what steps you can take to move toward that.


Meeting 30. Akashic Purpose, Power, and Inspiration (C)

     Following your purpose will lead you to many situations where you’ll be faced with different choices, clearly leading to potentially different outcomes. Whenever you’re looking at different options and find that you have a choice to make, you can search the Akashic Records to find the answers you need.

Exercise: Reading billets for multiple choices

Whenever you have an issue you want information about and you’re unsure which choice to make, this exercise will help you.


Meeting 31. Akashic Purpose, Power, and Inspiration (D)

     The future exists in pure potential, and the answers you receive indicate potential outcomes, consequences that are based on present energy patterns. As you change your energy – and as the energy of the situation changes – you could find different results awaiting you. Also remember that your soul has designs and purposes you may not be aware of yet.

Exercise: Your soul’s map

In this exercise you either use the Sacred Temple approach to view your maps on the screen, or you can use your Hall of Records and open the map in your Record Book.


Meeting 32. Conclusion: The Akashic Life

     There are things for you to learn, do, and achieve here in this life, and the records of your soul’s truth can show you the way. When you continue to connect with this truth, you open the pipeline to ancient wisdom and future discovery, to inner peace and outer achievement.

     You are always free to reinvent yourself, carve out a new future, and even rewrite a different past. There is far more to you – and to your records – than you could possibly imagine.


Meeting 33. Guided Visualization: ‘Discover Your Future Self’

This guided meditation will help you reach out to discover your future self.  In this meditation session you will have your very best relaxing journey to your ultimate self discovery.  So whether you are currently contemplating a life change or simply floating somewhere adrift, this meditation will help you reconnect with the very essence of who you are.


Meeting 34. Review. Q&A


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