Sunday, May 5, 2019

Personal Myth: Stories Of My Life

Personal myths are not what you think they are.  They are not false beliefs.  They are not the stories you tell yourself to explain your circumstances and behavior.  Your personal mythology is, rather, the vibrant infrastructure that informs your life, whether or not you are aware of it.  Consciously and unconsciously, you live by your mythology.

In this course you are challenged, through the use of ritual, dreams, and story, to become aware of the mythology you are living, to confront it, and in the end to gain some mastery over it. This course is an exercise in the “evolution of consciousness” – your consciousness and the consciousness of the culture in which you are embedded.

Personal myths structure our awareness and point us in the direction that becomes our path.  If we are unacquainted with the contents of our personal mythology we are carried by it unconsciously, with the result that we confuse what exists objectively in the world with the image of the world supplied to us by our own distorted lenses.  On the basis of an unconscious personal mythology, or a mythology rigidly imposed by our social group, we tend to see only one correct path.  We do not see it as our way, but as the way, and we do not see that it could lead to disaster as easily as to contentment.

Myths Of My Life is a personal transformation program that draws liberally from the explosion of knowledge and practices that have been forged or rediscovered over the past half century in the areas of psychotherapy, personal growth, and spiritual development.

An approach that delineates five stages of growth is offered. Methods are applied through which people can become aware of the mythologies that have guided them in the past.  With that understanding, it is possible to move on to guiding myths that are more vital and viable.  Step by step, the course sets forth a guide to personal transformation through explanation, participatory experiences, and case material.  It helps you integrate the knowledge through rituals and practices and then apply the new awareness to everyday life.  It facilitates individuals in recognizing the root causes of their difficulties and then taking responsibility for their own healing process.

Nothing is more necessary than a rebirth of the self. This course is meant to breach our souls, unlock the treasures of our minds, and through the divine act of remythologizing, release the purpose, the plan and possibilities of our lives.
PERSONAL MYTHOLOGY is a powerful antidote for modern lives caught in the grip of a disorienting world.  It takes you on a spiritually sophisticated journey of self-discovery.  Through a series of detailed exercises – using ritual, dreams, imagination, and energy psychology practices – you will develop the skills to become less bound by the mythologies of your childhood and of your culture, while learning to influence personal patterns that once seemed beyond your control

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