Saturday, March 20, 2021



“Beyond Illusion Project”


FREE LIVE webinars





A story is a system for holding together facts.  A story makes things make sense. Each of us has a personal story with a plot and storylines.  Our beliefs and assumptions ghostwrite that story. They tell us what to look for and how to perceive and process experiences.  We believe and remember only that which fits our plot.  We see things as WE are. 

What can we do to change our story? Instead of a story of suffering and loss we can tell a story of growth and life lessons taken. We can change the way we perceive ourselves and write a new story.





Meeting 1. The power of the story and comfort zones

Each of us has a personal story with a plot and storylines.  Our beliefs and assumptions ghostwrite that story. They tell us what to look for and how to perceive and process experiences.  The story we write can define possibility and reality. We tell our story. Then our story tells us.  So important are the stories we write.

Yet we resist changing a story that doesn’t work.  We are always loyal to the plot of our lives, as being in new territory, developing a new story, creates anxiety.


Meeting 2. Recognizing authorship

The 1st step towards enhancing a life story is to recognize authorship of your story. Ownership is the antithesis of denial, rationalization, excuses, and blaming. But the story closest to you, your own is the most difficult to know. In this session we examine three principles in recognizing authorship.  You learn to recognize the basic themes of your life plot. Identifying all the layers of the story you have created one by one, you are left with the space to create a new story.


Meeting 3. Guided visualization: “Meeting your future self”

During this session you will have your very best relaxing journey to your ultimate self discovery. This guided meditation has been designed to allow you a positive and deep relaxing inter-personal experience. You are going to meet your future self.  


Meeting 4. Q&A - Discussion


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